Today I'm excited because Raelani (daughter #1) and her husband Sam, are bringing over a huge painting Raine (daughter #2) did in college. It's a big blow-up of a Grateful Dead album cover... and it's beautiful. I'll post pics when it gets here. The album cover it's taken from is this one, if I'm not mistaken...
I just remember the beautiful girl on Raine's rendition. We shall see.
And since Raelani and Sam are doing me such a big favor in letting me have it, and bringing it over... I'm going to be working on more skirts for Lele (granddaughter #1). It's a simple skirt, and I got the idea here. I'll be posting pics of that as well too. Organizing will have to be put on hold for a bit! haha
The weather is beautiful today... the patio doors are open, and it's going to be fun putting those skirts together. Maybe I'll be blasting some old time rock and roll too!
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